Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Male Centaur Dream Meaning?

Dream Meaning? - male centaur

I have a dream that winged centaurs to a wonderful man suede was mounted. was carried out on a dirt road, and suddenly spread its wings and flies! i day, but it was difficult. I love him, and I have recurring dreams about him. This means that public companies?


starryey... said...

We often have the same things we want to select in the second we will.
You want (the power and freedom in the air) this centaur!

Paragrin... said...

Well, I did not sleep, because the study interpatataion I know it's the conversation with your free spirit and mystical, but as I said I would not have been studying dreams. Most of the time, I understand some of the meanings and proposed to me, as I said, and because you love it, is a sign for me that you appreciate those qualities in the Centaur, for they are mystical free spirit! So sorry Rambelli trying to say is what I think. I hope this is helpful.

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