Saturday, January 2, 2010

Usmle Mcq Usmle Step 1 Cell Bio Mcq?

Usmle step 1 cell bio mcq? - usmle mcq

Junctional complexes are for the organization of epithelial cells is essential. The loss of these complexes proved to be a central element of the diffusion-type gastric adenocarcinoma and lobular breast cancer. Despite containing occludens junctional complexes, region, area and trailers desmosomes, a protein required for the construction and maintenance of all complex binding. Only a few families a germline mutation carriers are only too willing to develop this type of gastric cancer and / or breast cancer. A defect in the following family of proteins is responsible for this increased incidence of cancer?
A. connexin
B. desmoglein
C. E-cadherin
D. Keratin
E. occludin

c is the answer? Thanks for any help. I appreciate it. I am a medical student first half and took a concrete step Q 1 line, but the answers were not provided, but I know that my test score was 53%.


Anonymous said...

I am responding to some B. .. Desmoglein plays a role in the formation of desmosomes ... a complex junction, which you mentioned ...

He also has a role in the epithelial cells of pemphigus / skin diseases.

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