Friday, January 29, 2010

Softball Bat In Between Boobs What Is The Difference Between A Slow Pitch Softball Bat And A Fast Pitch Softball Bat?

What is the difference between a slow pitch softball bat and a fast pitch softball bat? - softball bat in between boobs

Buy a bat lookin fastball and bats are much cheaper than the difference. I dnt want a lot of money, but, like most of the 50th I will change the slow pitch bats


a o said...

Slow pitch bats are heavier and have larger spots that bats Fastpitch sweet. A big bat slow pitch, compared to a lighter bat slow pitch does not always hit the ball further. Its all created in his bat speed with the mouse ball. A bat can cause a severe slowdown in speed after contact with softball, such as a bat more easily meet. He may even have more bat speed through the ball with a bat lighter and thus generate a success or a missile is faster than with the stick. If you know someone, etc. with various teams in the slow version, different weights. and test to see what works best for you.

erikka said...

It takes more strength to hit the ball in slow-pitch fastball than them, b / c of the fast ball speed of the ball provides the energy, while it is in slow-pitch, the agency that supplies electricity to help slow bats are harder to to walk the ball further. It's much harder to slow the ball w / Bat fastball, so I really recommend asking a slow pitch, if you play in a regular season. If not, go w / what you can afford.

kpolo23 said...

Many of the bat you choose is only a preference. I played fast place for year and last season played slow pitch. My style of swing-style emulates another fastball, but I need a bat harder to my swing a little slow.

Be careful when buying a bat to use for slow release, because most bats are very regular league legal. Before investing in a decent bat sure that your bat is approved by the federal government. The league should be able to be provide a list of approved projects and / or bats allowed.

Kyle P said...

There is really no difference in weight. want a heavy bat, slow pitch and a cigarette lighter not so fast ... But if you find one that is just the right length and weight for you, you do it.

The Creator is Watching said...

Bullet slow, very heavy and long
Quick light output and shorter

I'm also pretty sure that bats are slow pitch thick

Random Person said...

Fat than the other.

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