Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Do I Get Rid Of Smelly Urine Getting Rid Of Litter Box Odour?

Getting rid of litter box odour? - how do i get rid of smelly urine

I have two cats and am having problems with the smell in the room, as if the litter in the garbage, I tried several cats, baking soda, adding more litter in the urine and feces less concentrated. If anyone out there help me with my stinking evil. How do I get rid of this bad smell?


Cattitud... said...

I use to control Tigerino material with odor. It helps to check at least twice a day. I tried different litters, but the nature of the agglutination was the best result for the odor problem.

chloecan... said...

I take the formula several cats, but I also have bedding that comes with high dome lid can, you get somebody has a section in his shop for pets, usually 6-15 dollars. depending on where they go ... and can change frequently, every two days.

Believe me. It works well.

Oh ... and you give something to the side to cool air next to the litter box.

I use any type of cooling gel pads, because of the odors around him.

Mouse said...

Get a litter box with a lid and the door, make sure u clean the whole day.
Even if your cat or smells real bad waste could try to change their diet. Try to cover Good Life dry cat food.

The way they have given me is I have the litter in a closet and a door of Kitty pulled the closet door. When your bathroom like a kitten, has also feel some of there.

tgomez said...

the only solution we have found is to clean the litter every day and sometimes twice a day. I have tried all the litter that promises to eliminate odors, and none of them offers ...
If a note that it does not, let me know, see

I <3 Kyo Kyo said...

In fact, there are crystals you can buy to the trash in the help block the smell. Also, I know what you have now, but you can buy a box covered with litter, which helps a lot.

Johnny boi said...

They are a freshener odor absorption i have one and it works well, except the right of the cats after taking heavy shit

→Emily← said...

Try Clean more often, different brands are being made to help the smell.

Slon T said...


The best thing that ever before.

notsober... said...

Step 1: Determine the best seat in the house of the throw. Laundry or gateways often work well, but be careful not to box in a small space. Limit the smell of small areas can aggravate the situation. Keep the hidden field. Cats like their privacy and your guests would rather have a sandbox in sight.

Step 2: Double-click purchase clumping. It is most effective when control over the smell of cat litter. Buy baking soda or cat litter, the smell of dust control box. These products are very favorable. You can also purchase the coverage for the chat too. Tapas contribute to the smell, but its effect is minimal.

Step 3: Spray the empty box of cat litter with a low disinfectant spray or bleach. The spray of chlorine must contain 2 percent BLEACH. After drying, a small amount of Tigerino the chatbox. At the top of the thin layer of sand, spread a thin layer of baking soda or powder form, to control odors. Then you'll add a layer of garbage. Finish with a layer of baking soda. Make sure that the total amount of garbage in the middle of the chat box. If the cat uses the box, "his natural method to spread the waste yeast and help cover the smell. Your cat contributes to the odor control!

Step 4: Take your cat to jump in the sack after the application of litter. If you are not in a position to block the whole day, for a moment take the time to regularly check the box and the spoon. If you have multiple cats, it will be difficult, but this diversity is an important element of tL-making process. Waste that sits for long periods contributes significantly to the smell of garbage chat box.

STEP 5: a box of matches in a safe place near the cat litter. Once you have selected a match out on fire. The combination of smoke and baking soda will help control odors in the short term and all-pervading smell of stale long.

Step 6: Add a few cups of litter box for cats, once you've removed the major groups. Since you do not have much to begin (see), the third step, simply add to the trash without overflow box. Change the infield in the trash once a week.

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